Portfolio highlights

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Kurt Reiman Music

After years of writing original piano compositions notable for their quiet and soothing lyrical mastery, Kurt decided to record an album. I designed the CD and all print collateral to reflect the music's character – meditative, sincere, and enchanting. Available now at www.kurtreiman.com and on iTunes and Amazon.

Kurt licensed the cover artwork from Sabra Field, the highly regarded Vermont printmaker.

I photographed Kurt for the album’s marketing.


UBS Financial Services

I created strategic content design for all flagship reports in the Chief Investment Office at UBS in New York for seven years. I also authored presentations, improved website information architecture, and designed in-house workshops.    

LatAm cover.jpg

With stakeholders in South America, Zurich, and New York, this high-visibility report leveraged dramatic photos and clean graphics to convey the report's scale and status.

Micro-branded report series

ElectionWatch, a series of short reports published about six times per election cycle, emphasized friendly, short-form data "bites."



Graph applies to both examples.

Plain text or illustrated case studies? Obviously...

Again, a text-heavy treatment can't compete with graphics in a dynamic layout. 

Other Design examples

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The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

After missed deadlines piled up with the original design team, this Zurch-based philanthropic hired me to produce their first annual report. I brought in a team of production artists and editors. We had only 16 days, but we delivered the 100-page report on time for Fund initiator Kofi Annan and the board.

New York photojournalists and their agencies generously waived licensing fees for access to amazing photography that we used throughout the report.

American Ballet Theatre II

American Ballet Theatre's second company hired me to design their Playbill for a benefit. I also edited copy and retouched all photos for consistent, uniform quality. They wanted to "get it right" – not only for the company but also for their benefactors.

ABT2 Playbill PRINT 1.jpg
ABT2 Playbill PRINT 2.jpg
ABT2 Playbill PRINT 3.jpg

Chelseek Real Estate and Design Boutique

Chelseek, a New York luxury real estate brokerage, needed an analysis of how their superior sales strategy yielded top prices. My job was to devise a strategy that would transform the numbers into a visually compelling story.

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Chelseek YE cover.jpg

Shaare Zedek Medical Center

The New York office of this Israeli-based center needed powerful 40-inch lobby placards for a local fund-raiser. The series showcased the Center's history and future.

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Placard Future flat.jpg